Abacus | Tax Assessment
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Tax Assessment

We help investors identify opportunities for tax efficiency in their business operations to maximize potential tax benefits. We conduct tax studies and provide assistance to clients on the tax implications for specific transactions based on relevant laws, regulations and other relevant issuances.


Tax planning that aligns with the needs of your business and recognizes the potential of change is crucial to your sustainable growth. Our tax professionals are committed to giving you the quality, consistency and customization you need to support your tax function.


We help clients save taxes that otherwise would have been erroneously or excessively paid or withheld through applications for refund. With our knowledge of tax laws and audit procedures, we help safeguard the substantive and procedural rights of taxpayers and prevent unwarranted assessments.


Our tax professionals are available at all times to render consultation  on tax issues that do not require the conduct of extensive research and studies. The consultation and advice may be sought from, and rendered by, our tax professionals through telephone, e-mail, or face-to-face meeting.


We help evaluate the validity of assessments, determine the appropriate documents and reconciliations to be submitted for your tax operations.