Abacus | Insurance
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Life is a risky proposition. What happens to your dependants if anything happens to you? Ever thought about it? Indians are grossly underinsured and that means they are living dangerously.


“Family is not an important thing, it is everything”. It is utmost important for the bread earner in the family to cover the rest against any uncertainty arising due to an unannounced event.


The Sum Assured to you will help your family in your absence to clear off the debts, provide for  food and daily expenses, child education, hospital fees, etc.


We guide our clients to opt for the most suitable plan depending on their needs to protect their dependants financially.


With ever burgeoning healthcare costs, one can be left extremely vulnerable financially to the medical bills. Mediclaim or health insurance gives you an option of not only securing your medical future but also your family’s. All the members of the family get insured under one policy. Therefore, you do not have to pay two or three different premiums. Insuring the entire family’s health has never been this easy.


Health is of ultimate importance to all of us. In the current times of ever escalating medical costs, in the absence of an insurance cover it would be practically impossible for most of us to provide the optimum medical treatment to our families.


We persuade our investors to secure the well being of their families by opting for a proper health insurance.