Abacus | About Us
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About Us

ABACUS – An age old but simple tool for calculation.

Thus at Abacus our endeavour is to simplify the arithmetic of investments with diligence, proficiency and consistency for the satisfaction of our investors. Abacus Corporation Pvt. Ltd. was founded by professionals to provide investments avenues to investors. We as founders get an immense sense of satisfaction to have evolved over almost two decades with investors who have traversed as many years with us. Hand holding the investors while stepping up the pleasant journey of wealth creation has endowed us with a varied and rich experience.


In an era of constantly changing and volatile financial market, investors need qualified and unbiased professionals to assist them in achieving their short term and long term investment goal.

At Abacus Corporation our single utmost aim is to assist investors with dedication and integrity so that we help them reach their financial goals. Our endeavour has always been to exceed our investors’ expectations and build enduring relationships.


We offer technology based solutions for our investors to effectively monitor their portfolio and experience paperless investing without much hassle.

We are a bunch of committed professionals with the only vision and mission “To serve our investors with integrity and honesty, always putting” Investor’s interest first”.